Episode 21

Published on:

4th Nov 2022

Wk 9 Must Starts | Must Sit Your Ass Down

Wk 9 Must Starts | Must Sit Your Ass Down


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Welcome to the Double I Show Fantasy Island Fantasy Football Edition. Coming at you again with another one. This time the guys and I are, we're gonna talk about our week nine must starts, must sit your Ass Down Situations. So we're just gonna go ahead and jump into this. Let's get at this. King, I'm gonna go ahead and throw it to you first.

Who is your fantasy? Must start of this week.

Now, it was a tough week to think about it, right? I mean, guys, here's the other part, man. It's, you know, it's right in the middle of the buy weeks and everything else, so it's a little bit tough to figure it out. Guys have been balling out. There's, there's, you know, there's always those obvious matchups isn't there, and it's like, fuck, you know, the defense is so shitty.

There's secondary playing. So shitty. This guy's gonna have a big game. He's been playing so good. And does it ever happen? Like not. You know what I mean? So, I don't know man, I just, I was just thinking I gotta go a little bit different this week and I'm gonna pick a packer man. And I know I don't like doing that. But the reality is they got nothing to throw to, they'll have nothing to throw to all year. And I said this and the divisionals guys, this guy's gonna be their best guy and their best option offensively is Aaron Jones. So Aaron Jones is my start of the week. I, I think that personally, think that Green Bay played a much better game than I thought they could. I didn't think they, I didn't think they were gonna be able to stay on the field. I thought they were gonna get blown out. And in the second half they bowed up and they fucking played like men against Buffalo, who's the number one offense in the league. And they got a couple picks on Josh Allen and they couldn't score shit in the second half.

They scored three fucking. So I think the Packers, that was like a turning moment for them a little bit. Now you go into this week and they're playing Detroit at home, and I think that's just easy pickings for Aaron Jones. I think they realize last week, even against Buffalo, that's the only chance they have to win is get him just going, catching the ball, running the ball, whatever they need to do.

Aaron Jones must start him this week. Guess a Detroit lion.

Rack 'em. I love that. Love that Bombo. Who the hell do you got this week?

My must start this week. Justin Fields, if we say it on the show all the time,


the trending arrow, follow the arrow, right. and his arrow has been ascending. So in consecutive weeks it's 19 points, 22 points, 26 points, 31 points. And that's just in one league that I'm in. So it. Do you do the math, Whatever your scoring is, no matter what, it's still the same.

It's still the same stats going up higher and higher. Not only that, but he had 19 points in week one as well. So for all this talk that he's a bus and he had no talent, and what are the bears doing out of eight weeks? He has five weeks of placing within the top 12. But only recently have we seen that even in a bad loss, the guy can.

30. It's, it's what he does with his legs. It's, it's what the offense is. Now they're, they're designing for him to, to get in good spots to where he can make a big play down field. The running game is opening up things so that now you gotta run about. If, when you have that, read option, is he gonna keep it?

Is he gonna go? Plus he can make things happen, like spur the moment, keep the play alive. and he's, he's displaying it every week and now he playing the dolphins. They're not really beating anybody defensively like that. I don't think they're gonna be able to scheme for 'em. I think it might be a shootout, cuz you think about this with Justin Fields.

This is my favorite, trend that's going on right now with Justin Fields and why I'm so high on him. His last two biggest fantasy days were against a Bill Belichick defense and the Cowboys number one ranked defense. And these were games where he was supposed to be dead in the.

Make sure to sit him, he finished top five, both those games. So now we're gonna give a Justin Fields playing with confidence, playing in an offense that has more confidence against a Dolphins team that mm, is real mediocre on defense. And I don't even know if they could really stop a mobile quarterback like that.

I, I'm gonna say this might be Justin Fields's following that arrow up, and he goes for anywhere between 30 and 40 points in this one.

Wow. I got a question for you though, Bob. Yeah, I'm, I'm ready to blow you right now, but I'm just saying, you know, like, Okay. Do you think Chase Claypool's gonna have any fantasy impact this week? I think he's gonna have,there's gonna be a package for him. He'll get some run, He may be out there running a bunch of decoy, but Claypool can also block. So they may be running things off to his, off to his side with design runs and also runs for, Herbert of Montgomery. So he's gonna, I think he's gonna get run.

You, Hey, we talked about it earlier in the other episode. It's a second round pick for a second round pick. Right? I mean, if you're gonna, if we're talking about a used car, when I get that car, I'm gonna let it out. I'm driving it. First day I'm putting miles on it, taking out a road trip. I mean, I just went second round pick for second round pick.

I'm not trying to get him acclimated to the offense. I need him to start playing right now, even if he's just out there

That's what I'm talking about. Hit that gas motherfucker. That's what I'm talking.

I will say this though, Bombo, you know, you made a really good point about his confidence and everything, kind of, you know, trending upwards and follow that arrow going straight right now. The one thing that stood out to me was everybody, if you look at how dominant this Dallas defense has been, Fields is the only quarterback all season long to this day that has scored three touchdowns in a single game against that Dallas defense.

I really gotta love what you're talking about. I love what you're saying because it's absolutely trending upwards. Yeah, definitely a must play. I love this one. I'm all in on this one. You got me convinced. I'm gonna have to try to go out and get 'em just so I can start 'em

Hey. I mean, you guys probably know more than I do, as you know, as watch every down, but in that Dallas game, Dallas could have lost that game there. There was a couple of crucial mistakes.

a matter of two



Dallas was on the way of losing that game.

that fumble return for a touchdown where Justin feels didn't touch the guy down. He doesn't do

still don't put it on him, but I still don't put that on him. A lot of people did. I, I still, you know, he's trying to avoid getting hurt too. You know, I, I, he's a quarterback. I'm not gonna throw that on him. yeah. He should touch the guy. But still, You don't put it out on him.

Well, then you can't say he should have touched the guy and you're not putting it on him.

I still don't. It's not that big of a deal, you know, it's

Well, it's not that big of a deal cause they weren't gonna do anything anyway and the game would've been tight anyway. The other problem is, is when you're giving up fucking 300 yards rushing in six touchdowns to Tony Pollard, who the fuck you gonna beat? You know what I mean? Yeah. Roan, you really wanted to be there on Sunday.

Motherfucker appreciate ya. You know what I mean? He already packed his bags, dog. Yeah. He knew he was going somewhere. Motherfucker.

He did. He did. Especially the way he played.

Ask. We don't need him, Doug, but yeah, you're right. You're right Bob. Well, I think Justin Fields is doing a great job. I think they're, this coaching staff is realizing what they got with him and every week it, there's a little bit different, and I think that's what's gonna fuck up the opposing defenses is they're not gonna know what Justin feels is coming. The one that's running the edges like he was in New England, are the ones sitting back throwing dimes against Dallas because that's their. And when you got a hyper athletic guy like that in the back field fucking at your quarterback position that could do all that, it's easy. You just gotta surround 'em with the good weapons and just get the ball in their hands somehow some way. And I think they can do that. And I hope these motherfuckers don't get stupid and cut this guy after the years over. But nice. Pick bow. So I, I think me and t are gonna fight to see who blows you first, but yeah. Good.

her. All right guys, so let me go ahead and talk about my must started this week, and that's gotta be Austin Eckler. I know it's shooting fish in a barrel, but listen, listen to this. Hear me out. Okay. Before the buy week, he had four straight games with the touchdown. this guy, the week seven, cuz obviously week eight.

Last week he had a buy week, but week seven, he wasn't that relevant when it came to rushing the ball. He only had 31 yards, but he had 96 on 12 targets in the. I mean, this guy, he's just the Swiss Army knife, right? I mean, you just, it's which way he's gonna kill you any given week.

They're gonna give him the ball they have to get, keep feeding him that ball all seasoned long from here on out, he's going to be the primary focus. So you gotta play a guy like that and he's going up against Atlanta this week. I gotta, I gotta like my chances if I'm a, a eckler owner, I think this guy's gonna just shred that defense apart and he's just gonna come at it with so many different.

Because what are you gonna do? You're gonna, Okay, so you stack, you know, 10 guys in the box and you're gonna stop him on the rush. Okay, great. He's gonna roll out, you know, roll out and he's, he's gonna get that little dinkin dunk and then take it for another, you know, 10, 15 yard chunks. And he is gonna stack up and he can get a hundred yards receiving in a game.

So, it just any way you want it each week, Eckler's gonna give it to you. So for me, that's gotta be, this week's must start. And I got eckler in a couple leagues and I love it and I'm starting him all the way

No, I get it. And like you said, it's like shooting fish in a barrel, but there's gonna be that game Tee Man where they just shut 'em down, where they just go all in on 'em. Doug four guys are chasing him around the field all day long. Cause I mean,

through three.

at this point with Mike Williams down now and Keen and Allen's gonna be hurt all year, he tries to go and he gets hurt in the same game.

He's just for gla,

No, his rascal had a flat.

got nothing else. So at some point teams are just gonna over commit to 'em and that's when it's gonna get worrisome. Like, fuck, how much can he do? Cuz they, they're not gonna allow him. and that's the fuck thing that you, when you're all the only guy, I mean, Josh Palmer doesn't scare nobody, right?

I mean, nobody there is scaring anybody. Deandre Carter

Joshua Kelly's hurt.

I mean, well, you can't really, Those two guys in the back field doesn't scare anybody either. Unless you, to me, I'd start lining that dude up on the outside, just start lining echo up on the outside. He's as good as a receiver as any of those other.

Yeah. Yeah, that's true. He's got great hands, so that's what I'm saying. He could do it. Either way. He's gonna kill you one way or the other. You shut him down as a running back, he's gonna kill you as a receiver. So, yeah, that's why, that's why I got him in my must start of this. All right, so, let's go ahead and let's get into sit your ass down this week, guys. So who the hell do we talk about for sitting our ass down? King? I'm gonna go ahead and throw it to you to start it off. Let's hear

I, I was sort of hoping you were gonna save me to last, cuz I, I'm gonna make a comment here guys, and there's a trend going and our listeners know this, okay? You guys take the easy way outs on the sits, okay? First of all, guys, look at my track record, dude. I'm going big names five. See guys. And I'm taking that week to throw 'em out when it's, and that that's what we gotta do for our listeners.

But you're whiffing on 'em all.

I just did Nick Chubb a couple weeks ago and you guys went crazy on me.

Yeah. No, that was the only one. That's why we were excited. We were rallying behind you, g.

okay? So sweet tea. I'm just gonna throw something out. I'm looking at the notes here. I'm looking at your sit. I'm not gonna say who it is, but I think he's already been sitting dog. I don't think no one's playing this fucking guy. I'm just. All right, my must sit your ass on the bench this week. Cooper Cup. Cooper Cup top receiver in the nfl. Worst game of the year. Probably 80 yards. Seven touchdowns in a tudy. Well, no, cuz he, Yeah, he had to wear a hundred yards last week too, but he didn't get a tudy. But I'm just saying Cooper Cup, two reasons. He's a little banged up. You know, he sprained his ankle, but they said it'll be fine.

But I'm saying the bigger reason is he's playing Tampa. Tampa's D got embarrassed. Devin White got called out this week. Dude, that's the captain of their defense. The captain of the Super Bowl winning defense and fucking Warren Sap called this fucking guy out and put him on blast on social media. Broke down a film showing that he has like one of those clickers where he could go back and forth on the fucking game.

And this guy had no effort on this one play and it was horrible. And Warren Sap called for him to take the sea off of his. He doesn't deserve it. And when you get called out like that as a man in the nfl, you're coming back the next week, man, this guy's not that old. They're getting older. But you know what?

He's got at least the rest of this season left in him. And I think these guys are gonna fucking put the hurt on the Rams this week. And I think especially Cooper Cup, I think they're just gonna ball out. Linebackers are gonna be sucking up underneath. I think it's just gonna be too hard on Matt. and I think Cooper Cup's just not gonna do anything.

This is gonna be, this is gonna be his worst game of the year. Mark my words. Cooper Cup seat. Your ass on the bench, Cooper Cup.

Wow. Talk about putting your coconuts out there. Wow. All right.

That's what I do. Wait till you get to your

give him that.

I'm just saying.

I had Deebo Samuel one week though, the week that he went off against the

I wasn't gonna say anything about that.

I still threw 'em out there. I still threw it out there though. I still threw it out

The first highlight always running after the fuck.

All right. All right. Right, right. You know what? You know what King, Since you called me out, I'll go ahead and go. All right, I'll see your Cooper Cup and I'm gonna raise you. Brandon Cooks. Yeah. Okay. He's probably sitting on a lot, but you know what? He should, Over the past three games, he's averaging only 46 freaking receiving yards.

What the hell is that? Man? This guy is just, ugh. He's awful. He hasn't put together a complete game. He's not getting the looks, he's not getting the targets. He, this guy is just, he's going out there looking like shit. So I gotta say that, like really, I mean, forget it like four, four receptions in a.

That, that's not worth starting. You can't trust a guy like that, not even as a flex, not even as a deep flex. N he's horrible right now, so there's no justification for putting him in your lineup. As a matter of fact, I would go out there and try to drop the guy and pick somebody else up. That's gonna be a lot more relevant on your bench if you're gonna have somebody riding the pine.

Or you can find that knucklehead in your league and make a trade for somebody a little bit better. You know, get a Jacobi Meyers, go out there and, and, and get somebody that's gonna be able to help you. that's actually gonna put up some points and, and get some, some catches. So that's, that's my, my must sit of this week.

All right, So if you.


Yeah. Like I said, he

Brandon Cooks is

I'm just saying,


I mean the other part too is it's like we said, look at his relevancy now this year because they found Damien Pierce, that guy's the offense this year, it's Lovey Smith, man. He's gonna run the ball and he is gonna throw off the run. And you know what?

I'm good punting. He's good Punt. And I'll play defense. And Houston's defense is playing well for what they got.

Well, it's Lovey Smith.

It's Lovey Smith. That's what I'm saying. It's so, it's a coach and it's a scheme. And I get why he's frustrated. You. Go ahead every fucking play, dude, and run fucking 60 yards as fast as you can on the field, knowing you're not gonna get the ball. Fuck. It's hard. And then you gotta come back to the fucking huddle and do it. Because you're clearing out for the fucking running back or clearing out for the underneath guy. You know what I mean? Cuz that's what they wanna do. And it sucks. I get it. You know? But he's a professional and he is getting paid. So I mean, it is what it is. But you know, I would already been sending him, but that's just me. But,

Yeah, I hear what you're saying. To definitely sit him, especially now, I mean today if you were reading any of the headlines, any of the buzz going on after Trey deadline, Lovey excused him from practice on personal reasons, stress to it, it's personal reasons. And then Brandon Cook just goes, you know, nuts on social media talking about like he's gonna expose this and that.

Then you hear there was a deal to go to the Cowboys that got nick's last minute, probably. Houston was probably playing hardball with an asset that's definitely depreciated and you know, Brandon Cooks is probably looking for a, a fresh start somewhere. So now he's definitely pissed. just to throw it out there gentlemen, like right now, if, if Rondel Moore is on your waiver wire and you could spare br Brandon Cooks dropping.

Brandon Cooks for Ron.

All day, twice on Sunday.

I, I drafted Ron Del Moore and kept him when he was hurt, you know what I mean, in a lot of my


So I loved

dropping 'em for Mac, Hollands,

and he is starting to show up. You know what I mean? Don't mention him. That. Okay. You're gonna cut this part t cuz that's my, my pickup on the waiver wire, so I would, That's why it's so easy to throw his name out there.

I did. All right. Thanks.


so real quick. All right. Okay guys, so this must sit of Brandon Cooks. Could, would have, I would say, be a must start had that big deal with Jerry Jones and the Cowboys gone through. I mean, that, that's how easily this could have flipped with Dak throwing him the ball. I mean, all of a sudden he could have been as, as my must start,

They would've ran the first play, a deep nine. Brandon cooks straight down, straight down the

No, I, I agree with that, but I guys, let's slow our roles a little bit. I don't know how much you would've got in three days or whatever, you know what I mean? Next, the next week, you would've probably been a lot better for your must start, but that's just me. Come

it. Throw 'em in there. Throw it in there. Just like Bombo said, with, with, you know, I'm buying a huge

the step on the gas. Do it.

all gas, no

him in.

All right, Bombo, who the hell is your must sit?

All right. Mine must sit, Devin Singletary. So Singletary is a guy that, you probably got him, you know, mid rounds of the draft. Real safe pick, get you a 12, 13 point floor depending on your scoring. every once in a while could catch passes. You see Zach Moss is gone. They bring in Naim Hines no matter what, singlet Terry is.

Your starter there and they're winning games with him as the starter. The reason why I wanna sit him is because I expect a blowout against the jets, and I expect a, a few of the, of his back mates to get a little bit more run than he is. I see that they're trying to get, cook some, some more run, in these blowouts.

really get him, you know, familiar with the offense, really get his head into the game, and they're bringing Naim Hines in. Naim Hines is a gamer, so you want to get him in there, get. In game action as you can with that offensive line, and with Josh Allen, and I just think Singletary. You know the, the problem is single.

Terry isn't a guy that's gonna say, Give me the rock 20 times a game. He's happy in the situation that he's in. Every time there's supposed to be somebody there that's supposed to challenge him, he always ends up winning the job. As far as most carries, rather it be Zach Moss, Matt Brita, any of these other people, and.

Even though Buffalo was throwing their, their hat in the ring on some of these bigger names, you heard that they had talks about McCaffrey, talks about hunt. Well, you know what? If your GM isn't calling about those guys, they're not doing their job. But Noma, they're happy with ary. With all that being said, They're playing the jets and I think the jets come back down to earth, because the bills want to get right, the bills, want to make sure that they're fine tuned, come these later weeks and going into the playoffs.

And I think they're just gonna give more guys more opportunities. Single Terry will start the game, maybe go through the have, but if it gets, if we see, start seeing, you know, 21 point, 28 point lead, you're gonna see the young guys get run and single. Terry probably give you about five to six points.

All right, Bombo, here's a question for you. Rest of the year, you have one running back in that backfield, running back, not Josh Allen, who you taken.

James Cook


because they're eventually gonna. They're eventually gonna, I think in one of these blowouts, he's gonna, I mean, he's already had like, what, a 60 yard touchdown run. I think in one of these blowouts, he's gonna put together something. And that's what king, that's what we've been saying about him.

Pacheco, eventually they're gonna put on a game where the fans will demand that this person, that this, this player is getting the

Well, it's, it's almost gonna validate what the coach will do, right? Because the coach sees it in practice. You know what I mean? So he knows, and it almost validates now the move that the coach is gonna make. Cuz sometimes it isn't that easy for the coach, you know? So,

And, and, and know not to like c h or Devon Singletary, they're not losing the job. It's just that if there's a more talented player out there that just is more explosive and has more big playability, it's a big play we're talking about. Buffalo Bills. It's a big play offense. Gabe Davis isn't the most awesome route runner, but he's three catches and 150 yards and three touchdowns.

Do you know what I mean? Like they know what they have. There's a reason why they drafted cook, and there's a reason also why Singletary is still there. But if you were telling me who has the most upside going into the playoffs, it's gotta be James Cook.

It's gotta be Naim Hines, just because.

You watch it happen with nine nines now? Yeah, absolutely. Actually what I mean, single Terry's only got one touchdown on the year period, you know, and well, I mean, to be fair too, so does Cook, but if you single Terry's the, the guy over there, he's gotta have more than that. But kind of to what King was saying earlier, It, they, they're a mess on the, in the back field cuz they just don't have an identity in that back field because their leading rusher is their quarterback.

So, you know, it, it's just a tough situation. So, yeah, I, I agree with you Bombo. I mean, that's gonna be a tough start for anybody, you know, any given week, let alone this week. I, I really think you kinda keyed up on the matchup situation, Absolut. All right guys, so that's gonna go ahead and do it for us, for our, must starts, must sit your ass on the bench.

And so we'll come at you with another one on another date. We are out.

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The Double I show | Fantasy iisland
Fantasy Football Show
Tired of podcasts that treat you like you're in a league of your own? Perfect, you've just crash-landed onto the island where fantasy dreams go to get heckled. We don't just separate the champs from the chumps; we create a Hall of Shame for those who thought drafting a defense in round three was a masterstroke.

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