Episode 19

Published on:

2nd Nov 2022

Wk 9 Fantasy Match-up Hell in the cell Bombo vs. King

Wk 9 Fantasy Match-up Hell in the cell Bombo vs. King


Hit us up and let us know how bad we suck getatus@fantasyiisland.com


Welcome to Fantasy Island Fantasy Football Edition. Coming at you guys with another one. This week we're gonna talk about the hell in the cell match. Today we got our W King and Bombo. They're gonna start going head to head this week on the fantasy relevant matchup. They're gonna start throwing round by round.

Who's gonna be the most relevant? Quarterbacks, receivers, running backs, tight ends, You name it. These guys are gonna go at it and let's see who prevails. All right guys. You guys ready for this thing?

Well, let's go

I was born ready, Doug, you know that.

Oh, some big talking for a little man. All right, Bombo, I'm gonna let you go off on it. Give us your best take. Start throwing your haymakers on quarterback. Today's fantasy matchup for everybody listening is gonna be the Cardinals against the Seahawks. Bombo. You got the Cardinals this week, so go for it.

All right. That's an easy one for me, for that quarterback. I know that Geno Smith has. Surpassed what everybody thought, and he's a great story. He's a great football story. if you were able to grab Geno Smith and throw him in if you needed some bi-week fillin or something like that, but we're talking about Kyle Murray here, right?

Kyle Murray is a top 10 quarterback all the time. His floor is about. 20 points, depending on your scoring, can give you 40, can go for over, gets it done with his legs getting done with his arm and his team's getting healthy. he's exciting. You know, Kyla Murray's one of those guys. We've talked about him in a bunch of different shows.

that he really can just, just move. You don't really think of him like a, like a Lamar, but he's kind of like a Lamar. He can just take off anytime he wants. He's like, No, the meme is out there. He's like a kid running with his mom's cell phone. Can't catch him though. And, When it comes down to it, I just don't believe in that.

If we're talking about Kyla Murray versus Gino Smith, and who's gonna put up the most fantasy points, I gotta go with Kyla Murray win or lose, because he's putting up big points in losses too. So eventually some of those will turn into some wins, but it's not really about who's gonna win the games, who's gonna win the fantasy matchup.

That's Kyla Murray.

Big, big words there. Bombo King, how are you going to punch back?

Punch back. Dude, I didn't even get hit once. That was it. That's all you got on Kyler Murray. I'll tell you why. Kyler Murray stinks. Doug,


look man for his where he was drafted and everyone drafted this guy. He's got lucky. Deandre Hopkins came back. But I'll tell you what, you know what? I'm just gonna throw a little punch at you before he get going.

You know a little jab at you right here. The difference between your team and the team I'm repping this week is my team's got heart. They're playing. These guys are really playing above their heads and that makes a big deal in football. So yeah, I'm going with my boy Gino, Big Gino Smith. They wrote him off. But you know what? He didn't answer that letter. And that's all I'm saying, man, is you know what, Gino's ready to ball. The reality is this guys is Tyler Locket, DK Metcalf. Those guys aren't suffering. Geno Smith's putting up as good a numbers, if not better numbers, than Russell Wilson in the last two. He's playing with confidence.

He's playing with anticipation and he's, he's showing leadership on the field. My knock on him was, I thought he was gonna get injured. Looks pretty healthy. Your body does amazing things healing for a couple years guys and for what they wanna do. My boy, Geno Smith is the man na year. He doesn't need to sit there and run around like chicken without his head.

Like Kyle Murray doesn't know which way to. Runs 75 yards to get a five yard touchdown. Gino runs six yards to get a five yard touchdown, Bro, that's a difference. All right, so ding ding. Round one over.


That was good

All right. Big words over there, King. Big, big words. So since you're so confident right now in your quarterback situation, I'm gonna hit you with your running back situation. So let's hear what you gotta say about your back.

What do I gotta say? got fucking a guy who should have been playing from week one and would be Brooky as the year candidate right now. So I'm even throwing this guy out as my midyear rookie of the year candidate Kenneth Walker. This guy's a beast. I don't care about DJ Dallas. I don't care about Homer Travis Homer.

I don't care about none of that shit cuz you know who I got? Kenneth Walker. I'll put him up against any of those running backs over on the other side. And guess what? My boy, he can run faster than anybody in your defense and he can run through anybody in your defense. So you guys are gonna have a long. Seattle likes to run the ball. They set up the pass through the run. I know my boy didn't do good last week. Probably his worst fantasy day, and he still got atu. So I'm just saying if that's his worst day, you know, 11 carries, 12, carries 40, 50 yards and a 10 or 12 yard tudy to seal the game. Bring it what you got? Bomb.

Oh, all right, Bombo. All right. You gotta respond, man. You, you're up against it. You're on the ropes. You're swinging.

So since I listened to this show regularly, I know about, Kenneth Walker and I'm a big fan of Kenneth Walker, so I'm just gonna lean up against the ropes and try to, you know, let King Tire himself out, while I try to defend James Carner, you know, Benjamin and Darryl Williams. Yeah, that Williams or some sort of running back by committee.

the one thing that I will give you is if James Connor is healthy, they are missing that goal line, that goal line back that he brings, go. If James Connor's healthy, we're talking a guy that can get you three touchdowns in one game, off of three carries, but he'll get probably ease back into things.

But if it is a two man committee between, you know, and James Connor, I would say together they. Fantasy relevant as opposed to, you have Kenneth Walker that could possibly be a home run. Or if, you know, depending on if it goes out into the air, he could be factored out of the game plan. Or if they get behind early, they could get fee factored out of the game plan.

I think Arizona does a good job of keeping if their backs are healthy, keeping them involved in the game flow no matter what. You know, they're losing or they're winning. Pun, man. I, I'm a big Kansas walker guy. I'm still playing on the defense right here, but I like James Connor. Could probably possibly fall into the end zone for a couple of, couple of touchdowns and just, if it's a shootout, give me the Arizona backs, just because they all catch passes and Kyle Murray and any one of his weapons are a big play waiting to happen.

Wow. Actually that wasn't that bad. Started to counter punch there a little bit. I love that committee type of situation. You know, two, three against one. Not bad. Not bad.

scrap that.

not bad. All right guys, we're gonna go into round three. Bombo. Let's keep the momentum up. Going over there with a wide receiving core.

the Cardinals are starting to get, some, some, continuity in their offense. You're starting to see Ronell Moore coming to his own. He just went off for about. Seven catches 90 yards in a touchdown. D hop's gonna be d hop. you know, Kyle's gonna go out of his way to force the ball to dhop and d hop can catch anything that comes his way.

and I had mentioned earlier the backs. So when you really gotta think of all these passing weapons that they have, the receiver just one, two, they're real close when it comes to. Seattle has over on the other side, but when it just comes on to overall talent, and speed, I'm gonna go with the Arizona, Arizona tandem of Ron Del Moore and Dhop Plus I.

I'll take d Hop over any receiver that we're talking about right now.

Diop is talented. King Counter Punch.

Do I need to counter punch d Hops played in two games. Doug put his numbers up against my boys. I love me some D hop. Don't get me wrong, don't get me wrong, but you know what? My little boy, Tyler locket, he fucked up last week. He fumbled the ball, caused a touchdown, came back redeemed himself with two big catches and 1 35 40 yard touchdown.

Tyler Lockett hasn't lost. Tyler Locket is even better with Geno. Metcalf is better with Geno. Here's the one standout from last week, guys. DK Metcalf played hurt. Okay, I wanna say it again. DK Metcalf played hurt. He doesn't play hurt. He's part of this team. This team has something to prove. They, everyone wrote him up just because Russell Wilson left, and these guys are all men and those receivers.

Don't count out my boy Disley. Don't count out Noah Fat who came over from Denver in the Russell Wilson trade. But you know what? Geno's got plenty to throw to br, so I'm just saying I like my core because really your core is a couple spurts and a guy with medium pizzas for hands. That's about it. I'm just.

All right. All right. Since you already kind of threw out the, Noah fan tied in type of situation over there, King, I'm gonna give Bombo one last chance to kind of counter for the tight end, and then we're gonna wrap this thing up. So Bombo, go for it with the tight end situation over there on York.

No, me and King could disagree. We could disagree to just throw a ten second fur. A flurry of punches on this one where I'm just, Hey, Zach, Eckard zucker, and he's just throwing back at me. No fan dis. No fan distally. But, when it comes down to it, the, the Ertz ones hurt a little bit more because he's a top five tight end points wise right now.

he's, he's still being factored into that offense. He's a great safety valve, even though Rondel Moore is coming along as that safety valve. But Ertz hasn't fall. I mean, he's not Eagle's ertz, but he's definitely serviceable in this offense. enough to be, points wise, the top five tied in right now. So, gimme uts, over any of the guys at Seattle will roll out out a committee.

Or stone it.

Yeah. It hurts so bad. It hurts. Just

right. King

hurts. How old is he? 50. All right. What? Well you, You said my name. What's up?

All right, King, you got, You got any last, You got any last words for the final fury?

man, I do. The biggest problem with his offense is their egos. They're not playing as a team. They don't respect a coach. They yell at the coach, tell 'em to fucking relax. You don't tell your coach four or five times walking the sidelines, screaming at 'em to fucking. This team's got bigger issues, man, and for me, when you look at this matchup, fantasy wise, there's only one way to go. That's with Seattle Seahawks, they're hot and they're gonna be hot until week 11. Then it's by mcgon for them. They get on their buy a week, but after that, they're gonna rolling again. Kenneth Walker, DK Madcap, Tyler Locket, Sprinkle in a little disley infant. What do you. Wins win.

Nicely said, Bombo one last few. To go to counteract that one

I 100% agree with King, but until heart becomes a stat that you could, do with some analytics, and trends, gimme the team that can put up tons of fantasy points in a bad loss. And I think that's the Arizona Cardinals. I got Seattle winning that game though

Wow. All right guys, so I'm gonna render my verdict. I'm gonna go punch for punch and I'm gonna try to throw out there who won this match, and I gotta say sorry, Bombo, but king's, was very convincing and, yeah, I mean, he kind of threw it out there and I gotta say, The Kenneth Walker, the, the, you know, Tyler Locket, those types of, you know, DK Metcalf.

It's just a lot to overcome, even with the guy as talented as Kyle Murray over there. And I give Zach Ertz the edge with the tight end, but I gotta say, yeah, King's argument was spectacular today. So my verdict is King won this match.

Oh, King's basically undefeated. Yeah, sorry,


None will really, in my life. Probably like a million and Oh, just so I have to argue with people, but I'm just saying, man, hey, it was a good shot, dude. You did. You did. You threw some good shots. You know what I mean? But sorry bro.

The Kenneth Walker left me with a black eye.

You did some stitches over your

There was some stitches over.

He left your ass hurting All right guys. Good fucking shit.

With that, everyone, we are out.

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The Double I show | Fantasy iisland
Fantasy Football Show
Tired of podcasts that treat you like you're in a league of your own? Perfect, you've just crash-landed onto the island where fantasy dreams go to get heckled. We don't just separate the champs from the chumps; we create a Hall of Shame for those who thought drafting a defense in round three was a masterstroke.

Eager for affirmation? Keep dreaming. But if you actually nail your picks, we might just raise an eyebrow in your general direction before we turn back to the joyous pastime of incinerating your competitors' hopes and dreams.

This isn't just a podcast; it's an intervention for your fantasy incompetence. Fantasy Island: where your delusions of grandeur get a reality check, cashed in laughter and tears. Come for the insights, stay for the mockery. Either way, you'll leave questioning your life choices. Tune in, if you think you're brave enough.

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