Episode 44

Published on:

17th Dec 2022

Wk 15 Games Not Betting Advice Locks

Wk 15 Games Not Betting Advice Locks


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Wk 15 Game (Not Betting) Locks

Sweet T: Welcome to Double I Show Fantasy Island Fantasy Football Edition. We're coming at you with another one This week. We got the game, not betting advice locks. Now these are gonna be our picks. We do not condone any kind of betting. Babo bets for pushups. King, we don't know what he bets for, but maybe cigarettes cuz he's still, as Bombo would say in the who's cow. But soon to be paroled, hopefully. And we'll have him back very soon. So I'm gonna go ahead and get into it. Bombo, we got last week. Last week was not good for you, I should say. You know, not to try to put you on blast, but Bombo went over three. It was the Jets versus the Bills. Tampa versus Frisco. Miami versus Chargers and Bombo. You whiffed on all three. So King and Babo took the Jets Sweet Tea, took the bills, and Sweet Tea. Won that one. With Tampa and Frisco. Bombo took Tampa. And Sweet Tea and King took Fris.

So we got that one too. Bombo, that's strike two right there. And the last one, Miami and Chargers and all of us struck out cuz all three of us took the fins and the bolts actually took that one. So all time so far since we've started this Bombo is four for nine, all time. King is six for nine. All time and sweet tea.

Yours truly seven and nine. All time. Still leading the pack guys. Ooh, woo. Woo. Love it. Love it.

Bombo: I owe the house some pushups. Don't listen to me, folks. If you wanted to bet at some point, you'd probably listen to Sweet Tea, but since you're not gonna bet, just look at those records and just know. Who's trending up and who's trending down

Sweet T: All I'm saying. I mean, that's why we put the caveat in there that this is, you know, not betting advice.

Bombo: not betting advice. It's especially for me, it's not betting advice.

Sweet T: because we're not gonna be held responsible for anybody's, you know, not making their rent on time, . So, all right, so let's get into week 15 bombo, and we got some really good matchups. We've got three matchups here, and let's just get into the first one.

Dolphins at Bill's. Bill's minus seven and a half. Who you got?

Bombo: Gimme the bills just because right now, whether we talked about it in a previous segment, I don't like with like the, just the dolphins. Body like I think today the coach wore a shirt that. Yeah, this isn't that cold or something like that, which means the weather is an issue for this Dolphins team.

They're going to Buffalo in a divisional game, and we've always talked about it. Anybody who watches football knows about it. You don't wanna go to Buffalo in December, in January. It's not comfortable. Football Buffalo practices in it. Buffalo lives in it, and I just see Buffalo, you know, as seven and a half point favorites in this one.

It's, it's simple. Don't overthink it. Gimme the bills and the points.

Sweet T: Yeah, I gotta agree with you with that one. Especially the 0.7 and a half is pretty much nothing. You got a Dolphins team that is starting to. Kind of waiver a little bit. They're on the decline as far as just pure scoring points. You know, earlier in the season this was an offense that was just a juggernaut.

As the season's gone on, they're getting dinged up. And of course, like King always says, everybody's dinged up at this point, but other teams find a way to keep those points coming in. And dolphins have really struggled over the last three weeks to really score points. So, Coupled with the weather. Yeah, I'm taking the bills all day long, especially with the points.

Gimme the bills for sure. All right, Bumbo, so I'm gonna throw you one last thing with this game at you over under, and the over underline for this is 42 points. What are you gonna take the over or the under and why?

Bombo: I'm gonna take the under on the weather, not to take the lazy way out on that. I just don't really see. More Tua. I don't see Tua airing it out. If this was gonna be a shootout, it would've to be a 50 50 type thing where they're just meeting touchdown for touchdown.

Big play for big play. And I only see that happening on the bill side and this cuz it goes back to them practicing in this and living in this. And even the bills probably aren't gonna have really big chunk plays, but I just see the bills having more trips to the end zone, whereas I don't see dolphins.

Getting as many, so it's gonna be a low scoring affair, lots of running. So the clock will be running. Give me the under 42.

Sweet T: Yeah, I'm with you on that one, and I will take the lazy way out. Think that weather's going to play a factor, although probably not as much as you would think, at least on the bill side, because they, they know this weather. They're used to this weather and you know, Josh Allen has a big arm. So with a guy like that, it doesn't really matter what the weather's like.

He can make throws, you know, because he can throw a hard ball that's going to just gonna be able to slice through wind and things like that. But two, it. Two is more of a finesse guy. He kinda lofts his balls. So, you know, he's not that power thrower, he's not a a Josh Allen, he's not a Patrick Mahomes, he's not even a Justin Fields in the sense cuz Fields has a big arm.

or a:

All right, so moving on to the next one. Lions Jets. This is pretty much apic them because it, they got jets at minus. Right . So I, you know, that's pretty much just home field advantage.

But it's not even that at this point because it's minus one, usually you get minus three for home field advantage. So I don't know. It's, it's just APIC at this point. So who do you got there, Bumbo?

Bombo: You're right, it is APIC and I'm gonna go with the Jets on this one just because it is the home field advantage and it's still New York in, and it's still New York in December. I don't know, I don't really have the weather report on this, but I know that it's not gonna be the most beautiful of days probably.

And if you really look at it, the Lions and the Vikings are pretty much the same team, except for Justin Jefferson. There's just nobody on either team that has the talent of Justin Jefferson, but they're like the same team, mediocre defense. They got guys that can catch the ball. They got guys that can run the ball.

They run pretty much the same plays and they run, have the same schedule. And this, the Vikings Jets game earlier in the year was. Jets 22 Vikings, 27. I see it the same way, but just the opposite way. Just because the lions don't really show up on the road. Or actually it's golf that doesn't show up on the road, but the lions defense doesn't show up at home or on the road.

I think the home field advantage is real in this one. Keeping the Jets.

Sweet T: Nice. Okay. I'm gonna go the opposite direction with you, and I actually do have the weather report as of time of the recording, and it's gonna be in the low thirties. And it's gonna be windy, roughly 10 to 15 miles per hour right now. So that's what the weather's gonna be like. It's not gonna be snowing.

But even though that the lions are a dome team, really, I gotta take the lions just because of the fact that they've just been playing lights out. They've won six of their last seven games. They're just balling out. I love what they're doing over there.

They're playing with a lot of heart and their defense, even though they're last in the league, they still find ways to make big plays when it counts. You know, they suck the rest of the game, but when the game is on the line and they need a big play, these guys step up and make a big play.

So, I can't go against the lion because I've been writing them for a while now, and they've been coming through for. . So it's hard for me to get off of them at this point until proven otherwise. So I'm gonna take the lions. All right, Bumbo. So let's get into the over and under for this one. The over under is 44 and a half points.

What are you gonna take? The over or the under?

Bombo: Oh, with no rain or snow in the air, think it's gonna be air aired out friendly. I still have jets 27 lines 22, which is B 49 points, so gimme the over of 44 and a half.

Sweet T: Nice. All right. I think I'm gonna go with the under on this one. I think it's gonna be a little bit more of a dog fight. Weather is gonna be a factor, especially on the lion cuz they're a dome team. But when that wind kind of bothers me a little bit, cuz it's 10 to 15 miles an hour right now, but that could easily go a lot higher as we get closer to game time.

So that's the biggest factor right now. Goff has an arm that he could throw in in that type of wind. I don't know about white Mike and I don't know what those rib situ. I just can't really trust right now, his ribs being able to hold up in the cold because when you're hurt and you're, you have an injury and you're playing in the cold, it just kind of makes things worse.

Being a former athlete and being in the cold, I understand how that is. So I gotta take the lions on this one with the under 44 and a half.

Bombo: You might have something there too, because as a Bears fan, you probably remember Jared Goff's first trip to the cold in his entire football career. When the Ram, that Surging Rams team went to the Bears, and they lit him. up, dude, they, I think they picked him like four times, sacked him like six times, something like that.

He just had probably the worst game of his life. And literally in the media, like after that game, he was like, this is the first time I ever played a game in cold. Like this kind of cold. And it was like one of those things that you should have just, you should have just shut up about that. Like, he should have just been like, Hey, they, they came to play, but like, don't make it seem like


Sweet T: just got to, yeah. You just gotta kind of give the, the stereotypical answer at that point. You know, and, and I will say being in that Chicago cold before, you know, as a Bears fan, King and I were in that cold, it was eight degrees, but with the wind chill coming over from the lake, it was like minus two, I think, or minus four or something like that.

So it was cold in the middle of the day and yeah, I can just imagine what it's gonna be like over there in New York. I don't know about that. So I really think that this is gonna be much closer. I'm, that's why I'm saying the under for this one, just because of.

All right, so I'm gonna go ahead and go into our last one, Babo.

ainst each other and it was a:

And Washington? I don't know, man. They're just, I think they're playing a lot better. They're playing inspired. It's like what we were talking about when we talk about, you know guys like white Mike, like the team just plays different with Hynek and they're just like, the Jets play different with white Mike in there.

So, I don't know. I gotta. Even though Hy Nicky's not gonna light up the world, and he will get sent back to the bench eventually, probably next season when they find another quarterback that they think is better. But for this game, the minus seven, I gotta go with Washington on this one. I gotta say Washington has the edge because they're not as beat up and giants have not looked good the last couple games.

Bombo: I agree, and we talk about it all the time. Who books this exact same record? The la They each have a tie on their, they each have a tie. The tie was against each other. It's Sunday night. The winner moves into a, a better playoff seating and the loser probably gets out of the playoffs. Divisional game, DC versus new.

And then you have the quarterbacks. It's Hynek. You know the, the crowd favorite the win it for the gipper type. You know this all odds against him. Daniel Jones. The city turned against him, the organization turned against him, and then the new coach comes in and believes in him and now he's playing inspired. The storyline's all there. And I agree with you 100% with everything you've said. These teams are pretty much dead, even. They're both on each side. There's a fantasy star that's been buried with not too much talent around them. You have Saquon Barkley on one end. You have Terry McLaren on the other end who do their best, despite who their quarterbacks have been throughout their careers.

and these guys are fantasy studs. Don't get me wrong. Saquon is a top five running back in the league right now, fantasy wise and real football wise. From what I heard at the time of this recording, he is, he has no injury designation in practice in full. But when it comes to like neck stuff and anything that has in your running back needs to be watched.

And they did. They cut him off like at halftime, last week. And Washington's coming off of a bye. I think Washington coming off a bye and playing at home can be Washington plus the points.

Sweet T: Okay. Yeah, absolutely. So I'm with you Washington minus seven. Give me Washington all day long. All right, Bombo, so let's go into the over under for this one. It's actually relatively low, and I understand why, because both teams really are not scoring juggernauts right now at this point. But the over under for this game is 38. What do you gotta take on this one? The over or the under.

Bombo: Oof. So, if I was a betting man, there would still be a little put to the side to bet on the tie just because of, just, just because of how e even these teams are. And just because that would just ruin things in the nfc, in the playoff that I just, it just, I'm rooting for the tie. But I'm gonna take the over on this one and I'll tell you why.

I think it's because both of these teams are gonna play their, play their asses off on both sides of the ball. I think there's ball hawks on both sides, on, on the defensive side for both of these teams. I expect the defensive touchdown to be scored.

I don't know which team will score it, but then that is unaccounted for. So that'll jack up your point. Total. Plus they're gonna go back and forth for a couple touchdowns. I think they're gonna put up more points than Vegas is trying to tell them to put up and gimme the over 38.

Sweet T: Yeah. Babo. I'm with you on that one. You know, I don't know, this one is tough for me. The over under, right? Because I can see this line kind of moving up a little bit. So to your point, you know, you think that it's gonna be the over on, on this one? I don't know.

I've been taking the under for every single game and I just think that both offenses are struggling a little bit right now. You know, the Giants have just really been struggling late as of late to score any kind of points. So I really gotta kind of take the under on this one, even 38, even if it went up a little bit to 40, I'd still say that I'd take the under, you know, even if it dropped, if you dropped it to 35, I'd still probably take the under on this one, just because I think both teams are not going to be very effective in scoring this week, that that's just.

you know, but I, it's just one of those, those vibes that you get and you just kind of gotta go with your gut. Right. So for me, I don't know. I'm going with the under.

All right guys, so that's gonna go ahead and wrap us up for this week 15 of our. Game, not betting advice locks. Remember, this is not betting, but I will say this.

For any of you DJs out there that are betting, we're not saying that you should, and you might have a problem or you might think you might have a problem. I'm just gonna give you a quick little number to call just in case you want to talk to somebody about that one. 805 2 2 4 7 0 0. That's the National Council on problem Gambling, so if you need.

Betting, or not betting, I should say, because you're an addict. Maybe that's why King is you know, locked up right now. Who knows? I don't know. He's a little bit of a degen, so you just, I'm just saying right, Bumbo. I'm just saying, just throwing it out there. I'm not saying he is. I'm just throwing it out there.

Bombo: We're just looking out for the islanders.

Sweet T: That's all it is. All right, so for Bombo, I'm Sweet Tea and we are out.

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The Double I show | Fantasy iisland
Fantasy Football Show
Tired of podcasts that treat you like you're in a league of your own? Perfect, you've just crash-landed onto the island where fantasy dreams go to get heckled. We don't just separate the champs from the chumps; we create a Hall of Shame for those who thought drafting a defense in round three was a masterstroke.

Eager for affirmation? Keep dreaming. But if you actually nail your picks, we might just raise an eyebrow in your general direction before we turn back to the joyous pastime of incinerating your competitors' hopes and dreams.

This isn't just a podcast; it's an intervention for your fantasy incompetence. Fantasy Island: where your delusions of grandeur get a reality check, cashed in laughter and tears. Come for the insights, stay for the mockery. Either way, you'll leave questioning your life choices. Tune in, if you think you're brave enough.

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